About us:
ATRV is a youth organization, founded in 2010.
The idea of forming this association is found in a group of young people desire to promote the rights of Rroma youth, many times marginalized by our society.
ATRV profile is the social inclusion of Rroma youth in the local community.
Since 2010, when ATRV was funded, the organization was ivolved in local and European projects.
- European programmes:
- Youth in action –
- Youth in frontline (1.3) – youthinfrontline.eu
- Our community, your community (1.3)
- Con-ciudadanos (1.3)
- Europe for citizens –
- Ideas on move – ideasonthemove.eu
- Lifelong Learning Programme –
- SAFE – theingots.org
Our objectives:
- promote the youth and the youth policies in Romania
- promote the Rroma inclusion policies
- support the youth activities
- promote the voluntarism and the active participaton
Our activities:
- voluntary actions in community
- international youth exchanges
- realization and implementation of social programs
- rural development and access to non formal education for young people from rural areas
- training sessions in local institutions or abroad
- organization of summer camps
- organization of summer schools and kindergartens for children from Rroma communities
- organization of conferences, seminars, exhibitions
- establishing partnerships in the youth, culture and art domain
- realization and printing of info materials, books, brochures in order to encourage the youth activities and the civic and cultural activities
- webpages for promoting youth, civic and cultural activities
- foreign languages courses for youth, unemployed persons from community
- realization and implementation of project with national or European financial support, as Youth in Action, LLP, Europe for Citizens, Erasmus+ programs
- development of training courses for school mediators
- realization of community events as forum theater, word café otr photo voice in order to promote the social inclusion
Our team:
- Aylar Hassanpouraghdam-President
- Carcadia Catalin-Vicepresident
- Vasile Octavian-Secretariat
- Bogdan Serafim-Mentor
- Soare Vlad-Legal advisor
- Radut Carmen-Member