Volunteer your way to social inclusion and employment!

              European Solidarity Corp Project.

Volunteering provides important learning opportunities, because involvement in voluntary activities

can provide people with new skills and competences that can improve their employability. This is

especially important at this time of economic crisis…

In the European Union, almost 100 million citizens of all ages invest their time, talents and money to

make a positive contribution to their community by volunteering in civil society organizations, youth

clubs, hospitals, schools, in sport clubs, etc. Volunteering is an active expression of civic

participation which strengthens common European values such as solidarity and social cohesion.

The specific objectives of the project are:

O1: Participation of 10 youngsters with lower opportunities, who come from 5 countries of the

program, to solidarity activities that will produce social changes.

O2: Achieving by 10 youngsters with lower opportunities social, civic and cultural competencies. All

these competencies will be acquired through the implementation of solidarity activities, competencies

that will ease their transition from non-formal learning to the labor market and overcoming the difficult

situations connected to their reduced opportunities.
1.Ugne Rasciute-Lituania.
2.Justine Herbet-France
3.Hulya Kutlamis-Turkey
4.Tinatini Jokhadze-Georgia
5.Tamari Jokhadze-Georgia
6.Rama Al Arsan-Syria
7.Bilel Mohsni-Tunisia
8.Goktug Altunel-Turkey
9.Berk Tapanyigit-Turkey
10.Sahin Bestami Gunduz-Turkey.