Breaking the circle of roma inclusion!
Between 1.8-15.9.2017 will take place the selection of volunteers for EVS project” Breaking the circle of roma inclusion!”.
Criteria of selection:
- Equal number of boys and girls.
- Volunteers from programe countries.
- Volunteers interested in social inclusion topic.
- Able to communicate in neglish
Document for selection:
- CV Europass.
- Motivation letter.
- Online interview.
Selected volunteers for EVS project “Breaking the circle of roma inclusion!”.
1.Maria Pindaro(Itali)
2.Giuseppe Laureta(Italia).
3.Sebastien Taieb(France)
4.Alyzee Boyer(France).
5.Vivian da Cosa Cabrita(Portugalia)
6.Ana Enes(Portugalia)
7.Vedia Ulak(Turkey)
8.Simge Cakir(Turkey)
9.Mehmet Cetin(Turkey)
10.Nazlican Koca(Turkey)